
50th Wedding Anniversary in 1934

50th AnniversaryIn 1934, George & Louisa KILDOW celebrated their 5oth Anniversary at the home of their daughter, Saluda KILDOW WILDER in Olympia WA.

Back of Photo says: Seated in the rocker is G. W. KILDOW, Mrs. Louisa KILDOW at end of the table, Their 50th anniversary.

To their right along the wall: Saluda KILDOW WILDER, Ray Clark Jr (Pinky), Rya Clarke Sr, Bobbie Clarke, Mrs. Ethel Clarke (holding Dicky), Oscar KILDOW (holding Jim KILDOW - his dad), Mabel KILDOW (holding Stanley), Helen Louise WILDER, ?, Arliss WILDER, Earl WILDER, Effie Leswell (sitting in front of Earl), Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. Buchanan (the one who owned a utility boat).

1889 Wedding Certificate

Descendants of George W. KILDOW and Louisa A. BROWN

George W. KILDOW married Louisa A. BROWN in April 1884 in Ohio, moved to Indiana and they had three children.

[Image of their wedding certificate, 1889]


Child (in order) Birthdate Deathdate Married & Notes
Oscar KILDOW 1 Sep 1885 25 Jun 1981  
Saluda KILDOW Nov 1889   1920 to F.E. WILDER
George Oliver KILDOW Sep 1894    


1860 Census Mystery

When George W. KILDOW was 6, he showed up on two different Census records - within two weeks apart. The first he is included in a blended family:

Jona and Sarah Ringer, Fianna KILDOW (age 24), Leah Ringer (age 17), Caroline Ringer (age 14), Elizabeth Ringer (age 12), George W. Ringer (age 6), Charles KILDOW (age 8), George W. KILDOW (age 6), Henry W. KILDOW (age 5).

Then two weeks later he traveled 200 miles and found in a different household (possibly an older sibling's home or he left home at such a young age). Henry Bickey (age 27), Mary Bickey (age 23), Emma L. Bickey (age 2), George W. KILDOW (age 6).


Living with the Indians by age 12

George Washington KILDOW left home at a very young age.  By the time he was twelve he was living with the Indians (I'm not sure what tribe).  The rest of the family lost track of him for over fifteen years.  They didn't know if he was dead or alive.  He moved back to civilization about 1881 and married Louisa Brown in April of 1889.