I Love Ireland!

Welcome to my new-and-improved website! I have plenty of Family Genealogy, History of Onalaska Washington, web projects I've been working on and a gallery of photography by me.

This months's cover photo [above] is of Ireland - I'm fancinated with all things Irish, go figure I'm a natural-born red-head with Irish family roots - hmm...

Where is Onalaska Washington?

We are located halfway between Seattle and Portland in Volcano Country. On a clear day Famous Mt. St. Helens looms her awesome sight over our little town and her sister just to the north, Mt. Rainer, is usually covered in a dusting of fresh snow. If you take a drive past Bear Canyon you will end up in Morton, East Lewis County. From there you will see Mt. Adams resting in the Goat Rock Wilderness.

  • Genealogy

    Family Genealogy

    My ancestors settled in Lewis County, Washington Territory in 1879. We are one of the oldest family lines that stayed in the area, raising family after family of descents.

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  • Onalaska Loggers

    Onalaska WA

    Years ago in the 1920's Onalaska had the largest logging mill in the state. It was founded in 1914 by William Carlisle. There are two historical Cookbooks with pictorial and written histories.

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  • A Polished Earth

    Web Projects

    Visit A Polished Earth for esential findings for Jewelry Making from a local Lapidary. Another of my web projects that I am proud of is for the Lewis County Genealogical Society.

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Happy 89th Birthday Grandma Marie

Interview project by Jasmine for High School. "Grandma's High School Daze"

  • Parnell Genealogy

    Surname | Parnell Building a life in Washington Territory. 1879 Homestead story, family donated Shoestring Cemetery.

  • Nichols Genealogy

    Surname | Nichols From Colorado to Washington in a "homemade motorhome

    " in 1935. Living in a converted "Chicken" house in Onalaska.
  • Stevenson Genealogy

    Surname | Stevenson A boy of 13; school burned down in the devasting Chicago Fire of 1871.

  • Jordan Genealogy

    Surname | Jordan Grandma Jordan had a warm heart for the homeless - cooking for many years at Bread & Roses Community.

  • Galvin Genealogy

    Surname | Galvin Pioneer and early developer of Centralia. Founder of the little town of Lincoln, which was renamed Galvin in his honor.

  • Wilder Genealogy

    Surname | Wilder Yacht Boat Building in Onlympia. Arabian Horse Ranch in the past, now a Cattle Ranch.

  • Kildow Genealogy

    Surname | Kildow

    Living with the Indians by the tiem he was 12, family lost track of him for over 15 years.
  • Jim Parnell
    Marie Nichols